Pride murals in Orlando defaced with Nazi and Christian hate speech


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Sep 01, 2023

Pride murals in Orlando defaced with Nazi and Christian hate speech

Murals at the Orlando, Florida LGBTQ Center were defaced on Friday night with Nazi and Christian Nationalist hate speech including, a swastika, “Gay is not okay,” and the infamous Bible verse about

Murals at the Orlando, Florida LGBTQ Center were defaced on Friday night with Nazi and Christian Nationalist hate speech including, a swastika, “Gay is not okay,” and the infamous Bible verse about homosexuality being an “abominiation” punishable by death. A police investigation is underway.

The LGBTQ+ youth organization Zebra Youth created the colorful artworks celebrating gay Pride and transgender joy.

She has devoted a big part of her time in Congress to attacking LGBTQ+ people.

“The Center’s beautiful murals were vandalized with hateful homophobic and transphobic messages and n*zi symbols,” the group said in a statement. “We appreciate all of the community support and are doing everything to ensure the safety of our youth and staff. We will not allow hate to win.”

Volunteers worked Saturday morning to clean up the damage.

State Rep. Anna V. Eskamani (D-Orlando) shared pictures of the defaced murals on Twitter along with her resolve to track down the vandals: “These were shared by the ED (executive director) of our LGBTQ+ Center — absolutely disgusting. Will do what we can to identify who did this and hold them accountable.”

These were shared by the ED of our LGBTQ+ Center — absolutely disgusting. Will do what we can to identify who did this and hold them accountable.

The Center has been targeted with hate speech before. In 2009, vandals spray-painted “Die F**s” and “Go to Hell” on the building’s walls. In 2020, a mural tribute to the victims of the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting was vandalized with white supremacist stickers and graffiti.

The new attack is consistent with messaging from the far-right targeting trans identity and a rise in hate speech rooted in Christian Nationalist rhetoric.

“One male, one female, no more no less,” read one message sprayed across a heart painted in trans colors. Vandals spraypainted a crucifix and the crosshairs of a gun scope target nearby.

“Protect lives, saves kids’ eyes from trans lies,” read another bit of graffiti painted on a wall next to a heart in rainbow colors. Nearby was a spraypainted Nazi swastika and another gun scope target.

“Lev 20:13” was painted over another rainbow heart, referencing the Old Testament admonition from the Book of Leviticus: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

A third gun scope target accompanied the Bible verse reference.

A statement from Equality Florida read, “Governor (Ron) DeSantis (R) has unleashed and emboldened a scourge of hate in Florida. He has fanned the flames of anti-LGBTQ bigotry and his agenda sends a clear message that his administration not only tolerates hate, it welcomes it. These vile messages have no place in our state. We stand with The Center, Zebra Youth, and all those working to make Florida better.”

Democratic Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer also expressed his support and outrage as well.

“Here in Orlando, we embrace each other, no matter our differences and we condemn actions like this that go against everything we stand for,” Dyer said.

“Hate like this has no place in our city.”

Hate has no place in our city. Zebra Youth and The Center are important parts of our community, providing services to LGBTQ+ residents. Here in Orlando, we will continue to support these organizations and continue our work to create an inclusive city.